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hey everyone, i want to customise my ibanez rg1570 but i don't want to stuff it up. so i think im going to get it done by a professional. i was woundering how much (in aus dollars) approx. would it cost to do these following customisations.

-strip the paint

-add quilted maple venner on body

-painted a purple sunburst colour

(optional things im thinking of doing)

-removing middle pickup and fill in gap

-change the 5-way pickup slider to a 3 way toggle switch

does anyone have a rough estimate on how much this would cost?

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hey everyone, i want to customise my ibanez rg1570 but i don't want to stuff it up. so i think im going to get it done by a professional. i was woundering how much (in aus dollars) approx. would it cost to do these following customisations.

-strip the paint

-add quilted maple venner on body

-painted a purple sunburst colour

(optional things im thinking of doing)

-removing middle pickup and fill in gap

-change the 5-way pickup slider to a 3 way toggle switch

does anyone have a rough estimate on how much this would cost?

The veneer would cost you quite a bit. I think that last post is pretty close to the price. If I did this job I'd charge at least $1000. The stripping is no big deal, and the sunburst would be mildly expensive, but the veneer would cost a lot. Adding veneer isn't hard at all if you make the guitar, but adding it to one that's already made would be quite a bit more difficult. If it already has a laminate top, then it'd be a lot easier to do, but since it's painted, I highly doubt that's the case.

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hey everyone, i want to customise my ibanez rg1570 but i don't want to stuff it up. so i think im going to get it done by a professional. i was woundering how much (in aus dollars) approx. would it cost to do these following customisations.

-strip the paint

-add quilted maple venner on body

-painted a purple sunburst colour

(optional things im thinking of doing)

-removing middle pickup and fill in gap

-change the 5-way pickup slider to a 3 way toggle switch

does anyone have a rough estimate on how much this would cost?

The veneer would cost you quite a bit. I think that last post is pretty close to the price. If I did this job I'd charge at least $1000. The stripping is no big deal, and the sunburst would be mildly expensive, but the veneer would cost a lot. Adding veneer isn't hard at all if you make the guitar, but adding it to one that's already made would be quite a bit more difficult. If it already has a laminate top, then it'd be a lot easier to do, but since it's painted, I highly doubt that's the case.

hmm good point. well how much for just the purple sunburst repaint?

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hey everyone, i want to customise my ibanez rg1570 but i don't want to stuff it up. so i think im going to get it done by a professional. i was woundering how much (in aus dollars) approx. would it cost to do these following customisations.

-strip the paint

-add quilted maple venner on body

-painted a purple sunburst colour

(optional things im thinking of doing)

-removing middle pickup and fill in gap

-change the 5-way pickup slider to a 3 way toggle switch

does anyone have a rough estimate on how much this would cost?

The veneer would cost you quite a bit. I think that last post is pretty close to the price. If I did this job I'd charge at least $1000. The stripping is no big deal, and the sunburst would be mildly expensive, but the veneer would cost a lot. Adding veneer isn't hard at all if you make the guitar, but adding it to one that's already made would be quite a bit more difficult. If it already has a laminate top, then it'd be a lot easier to do, but since it's painted, I highly doubt that's the case.

hmm good point. well how much for just the purple sunburst repaint?


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ahk good point thanks for the reply:). is it really hard to do it myself like the way some guy on here did it with sand bags and stuff is that really hard?

Veneering is an art. Its hard to get perfect, especially without experience. Doesnt hurt to try, but I would never veneer without a vacuum press these days.

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ahk good point thanks for the reply:). is it really hard to do it myself like the way some guy on here did it with sand bags and stuff is that really hard?

Veneering is an art. Its hard to get perfect, especially without experience. Doesnt hurt to try, but I would never veneer without a vacuum press these days.

ok thanks for your help :D

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I think you are asking a lot for a cosmetic improvement to a guitar you already like...so why change it...

For a similar cost you could by a whole new veneered guitar...then you would have 2!!!

Veneering and finishing are arts that take time, money and considerable amounts of skill and practice...if you aren't prepared to DIY (which I wouldn't advise) then you are talking big dollars really...for no performance increase...

rhoads56 is one of the few in Oz that could tackle such a job with guaranteed good results...however...at these kind of prices I think saving for a whole new guitar is probably better value...maybe a custom ormsby with the colour of choice that would outperform your RG anyway... :D


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I think you are asking a lot for a cosmetic improvement to a guitar you already like...so why change it...

For a similar cost you could by a whole new veneered guitar...then you would have 2!!!

Veneering and finishing are arts that take time, money and considerable amounts of skill and practice...if you aren't prepared to DIY (which I wouldn't advise) then you are talking big dollars really...for no performance increase...

rhoads56 is one of the few in Oz that could tackle such a job with guaranteed good results...however...at these kind of prices I think saving for a whole new guitar is probably better value...maybe a custom ormsby with the colour of choice that would outperform your RG anyway... :D


thanks for your input. i think I'm just going leave my rg1570 the way it is, and il make my own custom rg body from the wood i want and il veneer that cause i think it would be fun to do and if its done right wood look killer, and i wouldn't be ruining a expensive guitar :D. so I'm going to buy an rg body from a custom shop with all the cavities and stuff routed out already, and as rhoads56 said before its hard to veneer when the routes are already cut out but il give it a go B). since i don't have a vacuum press i was wondering whats the best way out of weight/clamp veneering and iron veneering?

Edited by nathan549
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Yeah...well that's a way to go...I'd be doing a lot of research here...looking at all the build threads and stuff to get a much better idea about what goes into building a guitar than you have now. It is usually more expensive than just buying one honestly...parts are not cheap...they are not all interchangeable...and setting up and playing well, all the little things like intonation...there is a lot to learn...

One thing that I do like to promote to people starting out, especially when they see the work that a lot of members here do...is to start out by modifying an existing guitar. Here you have something that at least works, the parts fit...and you can find some great but neglected reasonable quality guitars out there secondhand. That's a place to hone your skills on things like finishes, replacing parts and setting up a guitar to play well...

With that in mind...perhaps you can find a low end RG to work from...


As far as veneering goes...it is possible, but difficult...at least more to it than you think. I believe I could do a reasonable job without a fancy vacuum press...I don't think ironing it on is a good idea...or even using such preglued stuff like that from bunnings. The bigger problem is to hide the edge...for that to look very convincing, you are likely to need binding to hide and protect the join (a whole other skill, tools and experience required)...

Sunbursting...I don't know if I have ever seen one done without some kind of spray equipment...and again, very much an art form...suitable paints and such are not cheap either...then there is the preparation...just because it is a flat veneer, does not mean it is ready to paint or anything.

As for getting a good solid and flat veneer...preparation is key. Off the top of my head I can think of a number of ways in which it could be glued down flat (that is if the guitar is flat). I suspect a suitable piece of MDF with a layer of plastic between it and the veneer adequately glued and taped in place with a pile of evenly spaced bricks carefully stacked all over it several layers down and left to dry for several days would do the trick for instance...

But there is so much more involved.

Buying a body is one thing...getting a neck that accurately fits it...that's another. Getting all the hardware, expensive and fiddly...putting it all together and adjusting things to play well...that's stuff that should be learned before even attempting it...

Also...it is not cheap, nor are you guaranteed of results...but it can be very rewarding so I am not trying to put you off...just trying to convince you to look at the task realistically...and be aware that there are not many people who could do such work (sunbursting is very specialized) and on an RG you are likely to be dramatically over-capitalizing on the project...

Anyway...as an example of what can be achieved you can look at my squire telecaster project (link below) in which everything was replaced bar the neck and the body to provide a unique and very high quality guitar...many other projects have been done over the years and it is well worth checking out the archives of PG to get an idea...you might even find more inspiration. A good place to start is to check out the "GOTM : Guitar of the month" entries going back years (not just the winners) and then seeking out the build threads of entries that take your fancy or have features like you are contemplating...

While there are professional guitar builders like Perry here, and some of us are in Australia, finding a professional to do the work and have the skills and equipment to do it properly is a tall order and not really what PG is really about...

good luck anyway...and do have a look around, you will be surprised at what people have done and how they did it...


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