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note to self: Drill jack hole after routing binding from now on so bearing doesn't fall in hole and take a big chunk out of top... :D

Oh, and I wanted to remind everyone else of this too.

Yeah, I try to do a "dry run" to see exactly what will happen when I start a route. It's easy for there to be pitfalls and obstacles that will cause troubles.

Hope it's fixable...

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Yeah, I almost had this problem once - a dry run, as bluesy suggests, caught me on to it. I stuck a piece of dowel in the jack hole, scribed the surface, and shaped it match the contours of the body roughly and held it in with tape. Kept the bearing from falling into the hole.

I've had similar problems with headstocks - if I thickness my headstock first, I have to be cautious that the bearing will mate up with the headstock properly for routing the channel.

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I route the binding channel immediately after shaping the body perimeter, or immediately after carving the top...

Of course, most of us with 'experience' have shot ourselves in the foot at one time or another... Look at the bright side, you didn't spend 40 hours building an expensive piece of commissioned furniture and have to start over... :o)


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