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Christmas Tools.. lol


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Well. I usually pick out my own presents but this year santa is bringing me a better dremel with the flex shaft and the router base, assorted router bits, jewlers saw, and workmate...........and cookies :D

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What kinda Line 6 floorboard.. Effects pedal or just the ones that controls the amps.. I got the old Line 6 Ax2Sys212 with the floorboard pedal and it still rocks.. but I've been wanting to check out some of their new stuff.. anyone played the newer amps lately? Anyway back to the list.. :D

CNC Router..

Oppss.. maybe I went to far..

Reality check!!!!!

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I don't know what functionality of the flooboard you're interested in, but it's possible to build your own. I hope to get going on mine next week.

Check out http://www.harmonicappliances.com/floorboa...floorboard.html - this guy reverse engineered a good bit of the floorboard. Should be enough to build something workable. I'll let everyone know in a week or two :D

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Thats the one Im talking about, not the fb4. Sorry my typing skills caused that confusion im sure :D

I already have the FB4 and you are right the volume pedal is a must (as for some reason i cant get my dunlop volume pedal to work with any distorted sounds , just the clean ones) and again apologies for the thread hijack!

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Oscillating spindle sander, router and now a planer.

In regards to the Line 6 4-button...trust me...go find a cheap/used full size. The four button doesn't allow you to bank or select the tuner. I bought mine new and granted it was expensive, but I'm happier that I returned the 4 button for it.

Or if you are midi guru, you can buy the Behringer midi controller for $125 and program that to control it thru midi.

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