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Cherry body?

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right, so im pretty sure that cherry is usable for a body, am i right?

my main question is: how easy is it to work with? the thing is, its the same price as or a little cheeper than mahogany here. would you suggest it for a n00b over mahogany?

(i've worked with mahogany before, and i really liked it)

how does its sound compare to other woods?

also, if i want to put on a TOM, do i have do a set neck, or can i find a way to work out an angle for a bolt on? and is it that hard to do a set neck?

thanks for the :D and please dont laugh...

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Like Wes said, Cherry is nice wood, I consider it somewhere in the middle between Maple and Mahogony, a bit firmer than Walnut.

A solid Cherry body could possibly be on the heavy side tho, depending on your preferences.

If he's got a lot to choose from, see if you can find a few quartersawn pieces.

To angle a bolt-on neck, I use Stew-Mac's neck router template, and stick a small shim under it at the right spot to achieve my angle. Kinda like a see-saw effect. Pretty easy. When doing an angled bolt-on, I also sink my neck down slightly more than normal, normal usually being 5/8" pocket, to kind of 'hide' the angle.

I've got some good pics of this, but I'm soooooo slacking on getting my pic hosting situation together... :D

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