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One of the dumbest things I have ever read...

I also loled at the disclaimers, 'person that will smash the guitar will need to wear eye protection gear, gloves and a helmet for their own safety', yeah thats really rock n roll... lol

The worst thing is the price,

5000 Japanese yen = 36.3 British pounds

Its cheap enough that people might actually buy this complete waste of the worlds resources!

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Not really a new idea, is it? Jimmi Hendrix kept all the broken bits of the few guitars he smashed. These bits were then fastened together to be used in future gigs.

He would go off stage just before the end of his act and put his good guitar down, and pick up one that had been roughly put together out of bits. Then back on the stage to finish the last number before destroying the bits'n'pieces guitar. The bits would be kept again ready for "recycling".

So, you could say Hendrix created the first guitars made for smashing. I don't know how many good guitars he smashed, but I believe it was very few.

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Makes me think of all the guitars I have seen I want to smash..you know who you are.. :D

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Not really a new idea, is it? Jimmi Hendrix kept all the broken bits of the few guitars he smashed. These bits were then fastened together to be used in future gigs.

He would go off stage just before the end of his act and put his good guitar down, and pick up one that had been roughly put together out of bits. Then back on the stage to finish the last number before destroying the bits'n'pieces guitar. The bits would be kept again ready for "recycling".

So, you could say Hendrix created the first guitars made for smashing. I don't know how many good guitars he smashed, but I believe it was very few.

what did he do with the ones he set on fire ? : )

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what did he do with the ones he set on fire ? : )

They were probably disposed of. The ones he set on fire were in pretty poor condition, I think right at the end of their recycling life.

I was a coach driver from 1968 onwards, and on three occasions I drove people up to London to see Hendrix perform. Coach drivers usually watched the shows from the wings backstage (always free admittance, drivers' perks), and I've seen the broken guitar parts being assembled into something just about playable, and Hendrix dashing in to swap guitar just before the end of the set. Of course, as a coach driver, I could never stay long enough to see what happened to the burnt guitars as I had to get back to the coach ready for the passengers.

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