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Painting Telecaster Style Body

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im getting a guitar kit next week but i dont want to waste my money with a crap paint job on it i want to get it done right. my question is this how many coats of primer should i put on, how many coats of lake placid blue metallic should i put on, and how many clear coats do i put on. how many coats will one can cover? also how long do i leave the guitar to sit between coats and how long after putting on the clear coat before i can put in the electronics and play the guitar

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Look in the "finish and inlays" chat. Its been asked a million times. People get tired of giving people who dont search a step by step tutorial every time the post. REad teh directions on your cans. That will tell how how long between coats and between clear.

The number of coats you will get depends on how heavy you spray them. You only need to spray enough to where you dotn sand thru...

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While Killemall comes off rather harsh, he is very correct. Use the search function and it will answer all of your questions. Also read through the tutorials section. An even better wealth of knowledge for your specific project is the forum over at ReRanch. Guaranteed they have covered it over there.

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