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there is a trick to using it.when you upload your pics and click on them,the page will say "page not available"

take -members/ - out of the url and hit enter,the pic will appear and then you copy and paste the link in the img box on the reply part of this thread

Use fullservesite. A lot of people here, like westhemann and canuckguitarist, use it. I think 10 MB... plus no "Car Domain" tag added to your pictures :D.

hahaha, my first endorsement...lots more to come [hopefully] B)

that's how you know your famous...btw i prefer your other sig

there is a trick to using it.when you upload your pics and click on them,the page will say "page not available"

take -members/ - out of the url and hit enter,the pic will appear and then you copy and paste the link in the img box on the reply part of this thread


Man, I did that and the message about some error about "dynamic pages" sh*it appeared and I couldn't post my pics. What do I do?

mullmuzzler | OSSMT

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