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practicing building necks...

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I wanted to teach myself how to build a neck, i have all the tools, just no wood... So i decided i might make a few practice ones with like pine, or some other really cheap wood, but then my father informed me they don't sell Pine as thick as it would need to be... so could i glue a few pieces together?

also, can anyone give me the dimensions of a sutable piece of wood for making a neck (bolt-on wizard or fender style)


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particle and ply aren't the best choices if you want to include practicing carving the back of the neck. Birch is fairly cheap and easy to carve, or some stock (cheap) soft maple maybe? you're gonna want a peice of wood about 4"x29"x1" try to get something with NO knots, other then that, any old flat peice of wood will do for practice, just look for something cheap that's acutally wood, not partical or ply...

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they're probably oak, which may be a bit tough for carving with hand tools, i duno i've never used it, but i've seen the wood before, don't seem like the sofest stuff. But a hardwood stair step might be a good idea :D

btw that's 1" thick, 4" wide, and 29" long

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You could also just buy some 4/4 or 3/4 poplar (I'm pretty sure they sell that there) and laminate 3 or more pieces together. That way the thickness is not an issue because the width of the board becomes your thickness (you'll actually cut it smaller). You can get some experience laminating while your at it! I prefer laminated necks usually. Are you planning on doing a scarf joint?

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