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Neck Through With Topwood

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Im making a guitar soon thats neck through and has a nice walnut top to go on top. My question is, how do i fit the top wood around the fretboard area? An example would be this http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showtopic=45827&st=0 (great job by the way!)

I was thinking of tracing the fretboard and maybe making a template for the router. If you would so kindly share your method or lend some tips id be a happy boy!

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obviously the first stages are to get the body section of the neck blank thinned down appropriately and get the top jointed if needs be.

basically its no more difficult than cutting a neck pocket

i have tried a couple of ways.

the easiest way, if you like the look and have the templates, is to go for a strat shaped end of fretboard. use the strat neck template to shape the end of the fretboard and use the strat neck pocket template to cut the top like this



obviously that is not so good when you need sharp corners


in that situation i still cut the neck pocket as close as possible with a router, then tidy up the sharp edges with chisels and files.

its always a lot easier than i think its going to be :D

edit: the one you linked to is even easier as you dont need to worry about the end of the fretboard fitting tightly

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