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is this of any use to anyone?!?!? Anywho, in the picture, of the epoxy based clear coat, it's really freaking shiny.... remember those fretless basses with the epoxied fretboards? it's that freakin shiny


I think you should know the actual real ingredients before spending money on it.

Once you understand the chemical formulations and all their variations for the more popular finishes, you realize there's really nothing new under the sun, just new and innovative 'names' for the same old stuff, just maybe formulated ever-so-slightly differently.

For instance, it's quite possible that that stuff is simply brushing lacquer repackaged, which is probably cheaper to buy as brushing lacquer. And brushing lacquer is basically regular lacquer with extra retarder added, so you could buy some lacquer and some retarder and get it even cheaper still.

If it contains the word lacquer, then that's all it really is, is regular old lacquer, with somethig extra added (maybe). And from the ingredients you should be able to tell whatever extra stuff they put in it and buy it yourself much cheaper.

I mean, it could be pre-catalyzed lacquer, brushing lacquer, thinned lacquer, lacquer with fish-eye remover added, etc...and if you dip anything into a can of lacquer, it dries quite shiny like that anyway.

The only way they make a profit is to re-sell it in a smaller can and charge more for it and call it something (...dig this...) B) SPECIAL! :D


I pay just a little over $15.00 for a GALLON of lacquer, a GALLON.

And that stuff is $17.00 for a PINT of lacquer and a lil' sumpin' sumpin' added to it and an enticingly new name.

That's how they make money.

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