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String Locking Question

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Does the locking mechanism have to be screwed to the headstock, or can it float with the strings. Not a locking nut mind you , but I have an idea for a decorative piece that I could use as a string locking device, comments

Sounds like an engineering question.

If you can invent a string lock that floats with the string then "Yes"

However as a general statement off the shelf locking nuts must be attached to something that does not move other than the strings. The idea of a "string lock" is to stop the string from moving in the nut or unwinding from the string post usually during detune return to pitch operations.

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Not sure what you are tring to do ,but if you want to attach something to a string ,do it behind the nut or behind the bridge.Like some of the old stile pick ups, or people attaching stuff to the head or tail of the guitar.Feathers or chains or using the string for a cig. Holder kinda thing.

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O.K. My reason for this question is that I am very hesitant to drill holes in a very expensive guitar just so I can have a whammy bar. I am partial to Bigsby's but don't want to put up with the inherent detuning effects of dive bombing all over the universe. Maybe my next idea might work. Until next time..........

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O.K. My reason for this question is that I am very hesitant to drill holes in a very expensive guitar just so I can have a whammy bar. I am partial to Bigsby's but don't want to put up with the inherent detuning effects of dive bombing all over the universe. Maybe my next idea might work. Until next time..........

You can have a Bigsby with out locking nuts and not have tuning problems .If you do need to lock the strings ,they make locking tuners.I have a strat with a Bigsby on it and it holds tune just fine.

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Exactly. With a good setup, slipery nut, roller bridge or similar and locking tuners there is no reason a bigsby guitar shouldn't stay in tune considering the limited amounth of whammy availible with that trem. My no1 Tele is Bigsby equiped and even before I changed out the sadles on the bridge to graphite it was very stable, now I cannot knock it out of tune at all (whell exept from my lousy playing making it going out of tune, but anyway...). The same goes for almost any good quality whammy; have a look at the nut and the tuners and it stays in tune for most of the normal stuff you can use it for. Dive bombing is another issue though.

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