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Ugh, Sand Through- Air Brush Touch Up Question


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So, I came home excited about putting my candy apple red tele project together and noticed the cutaway area wasn't perfect. So, I tried to lightly sand it smooth so that it would polish as beautifully as the rest. Of course, I went too deep and the clear red is now lighter and it looks horrible. Can I shoot a bit of red lacquer there with an air brush gun? I've never used one and find the cut away area hard to do with the full spray gear. Any suggestions? I just messed up my whole summer project. Grrr

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yep that would be a normal candy color. withthe gold base. Did you sand to the base? or just some of the color? If only color you should beable to touchup. but it will require a larger faded area around it to get it to blend. Then reapply clear coat.if though it has definite edges from the sanding, yo willneed tosand allback to base. respray base, then retint. and clear.

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