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Does This Neck Look Broken? I Was Offered It In A Trade

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The way the edges are scalloped looks like the clear is chipping off to me. Doesn't mean a crack didn't cause it, but you would expect to see a straighter fracture line that follows the wood grain. I wouldn't make the trade without a way of reversing it if it turns out to be a crack upon closer inspection.


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I just fixed a friend's guitar after the headstock broke off. It looked exactly like that. It could just be a scratch, but, in my experience, when a headstock breaks off or starts breaking off, the fracture tends to be about where that crack is. (after zooming in, it doesn't quite have the right look for a fracture. Hard to tell, though)

It could also be a line from a repair. Sometimes when they break off, the finish chips away a little and leaves a visible line like that.

But, it could just be a scratch. Thumb rings were hot sh*t for a bit in the 90s.

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Pretty much what has already been said.

Which manufacturer made the neck? I would first try and figure out whether it is one piece or scarfed. If it IS scarfed it looks odd in that the crack is not following the grain. This would make it worse of course if that were the case. If it is one piece then it is certainly a crack by the looks of it.

A risky trade at best. What are you trading it for? I would hold the current owner up to his/her promise of it only being a scratch. If that promise isn't held then be prepared to lose whatever you are trading it for I guess.

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