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Stain On Binding

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Hello and nice to meet you all,

I recently bought a Harley Benton brand Chinese LP copy guitar. Although not an expensive guitar ($400 CDN), I like it and it plays and sounds great.
However, as seen in the pix, the binding towards the nut has stain on it, making it look very uneven. I hate looking down at this whenever I play.

Is there any way to sand/scrape the binding to make it more even? Or any other method to fix this?

Thanks very much!



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Binding is typically scraped with a razor blade to clean it up. You are going to want to do a small test scrape somewhere not noticeable to see if the color of the binding holds true. If it is good then you will likely need to polish what you scraped to match the sheen of the rest of the binding.


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what you're seeing is where the UV light has caused the lacquer to become yellow/amber.. as common as cockroaches in a Southern Camp Ground... 

I would suggest considering leaving it as it is... unless you are somewhat skilled at scraping binding, you can make things much worse,,

Ron Kirn

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