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Feedback requested on first attempt at more complicated inlays...

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just wondering how obvious my mistakes are here... I could see them from space, and even when I close my eyes.  Can't decide if I need a mulligan here or if I should just chalk it up to my greeness and move on.  Can you point out my flaws in order of severity? or er um... what is your vote: "finish him" (thumbs down)?


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First attempt at inlay? Better than mine for sure. Don't fret (hyuck!) too much about it. I had to squint pretty hard at the monitor to see if anything stood out, and I still can't see anything that would make me want to scrap it outright.

TBH, you as the builder will spot the flaws better than anyone else because you know exactly where to look for them. You'll probably find they disappear further into the background once it becomes part of the whole guitar. At the moment it's just a slab of wood with some inlays, so it's easy to get caught up with just those two design components.

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i very much appreciate the reply.  what you described - is exactly why I asked for feedback.  I'm pretty sure with a better pic it would stand out but was just wondering if it was obvious (because it is to me).  it's the bottom two inlays... one is crooked west and one is crooked east.  there are other minor issues but those are the two that just hit me.  I am still trying to decide if I can live with it or if I need to order another inlay set and router them out. 

fwiw I learned that going fwd I will have to create some sort of board with a fret-tang like protrusion that I will stick into the fret slot and use to guide/cut a straight line to start with... and get equal distance on all and better orientation... wish I'd have thought of that before!

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thank you chris.  it looked funny to me at the 1-7 fret if they were centered vertically but I'm inclined to agree at the 17-19 it would look better centered.  you live you learn... but yeah... any variation from the line down there is going to be magnified.


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  • 2 weeks later...

... funny, I hit the sad emoji on accident scottr... so don't call the suicide hotline(for me) just yet! (hehe) 

thanks for the reply. 

My main concern here is that it'd probably be a lot easier to fix my mistakes now... as opposed to once it's on the guitar.  I was afraid that once you see the real edges of the fretboard it might become more apparent... but I agree also that once the frets and strings are there there's an awful lot of distractions to focus on.  I think I might attach the fretboard and take another look at it. 
thank you all very much for your responses!

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