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Too few likings to use

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I've rarely ran into the issue of the likings running out until yesterday. That didn't worry me much as I thought I had been generous during the day.

What caused this rant is that I only had used one liking this morning, a second one being too much! Just one liking per day is a little too few in my opinion as there's usually more than one post worth noticing.

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You sure you didn't just use up your quota of likes over a 24 hour period, rather than over a single calendar day?

I can check up with the forum software to see how it's calculated and defined if you like? ;);)

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I'd like that very much. The 24 hour quota might explain it as well as I read these forums usually both in the morning before going to work and in the evening after work.

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The forum software uses 'reactions per day', which I take to mean 'the number of like/laugh/win clicks in a single calendar day per user'. It's not clear if that calendar day is in a particular time zone or your local time zone, so perhaps you simply used up most of your your quota within the first part of a 'day' (somewhere in the world) and the remainder of your likes within that same day, even though it was overnight within your own timezone?

Dunno. I'd have to request more information from higher up to give you a better answer.

Or, y'know. You could just comment that you liked someone's work in your reply to them ;)😛

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oh snap "we may have an issue in sector 14".

I must constantly give likes... because I constantly run out of them.  at the risk of joining up with these two dissidents I would love to see your like potential be proportional to your rep/time-spent/responses or other metric.  Otherwise I end up having to talk to people... and no one wants THAT.  so for the greater good of humanity and all in this forum...

"MORE LIKES... MORE LIKES... MORE LIKES"  (imagined crowd chanting)

yes, I'm all hopped up on goofballs again.

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8 hours ago, curtisa said:

Or, y'know. You could just comment that you liked someone's work in your reply to them

Umm... No, that would be against the rules carved into the bones of us Finns. We speak when we have something to say. Although "I like that" or "that looks great" are important messages there's not enough meat for an actual post. It just feels pointless to repeat the phrase of the first one commenting something. I've seen "+1" being used for concuring but even that requires some serious words from the previous poster. We are serious folks here!

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  • 2 months later...
11 hours ago, Norris said:

I often run out of likes. I'd like some more if it's possible.

I like that idea, but you don't want folks liking things all willie nillie!  hehe

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I don't think there is any hard or fast policy regarding the number of likes a member can give as such. More correctly, they're known as 'reactions' in the forum software, as they include all the possible clicky icons you can give to another member's posts (like/haha/confused/sad/thanks).

The current limits are assigned based on each membership group. Your membership group is identified by that little text label immediately under your avatar. Your advancement through each membership group occurs automatically based on your content count:

  • New Members are allowed 3 reactions per day
  • Members are allowed 10 reactions per day
  • Established Members are allowed 50 reactions per day
  • Veteran Members are allowed 5 reactions per day (??)

That last one is obviously a glitch, so I've just bumped it up to 200.  This would explain why a number of you are starting to run into the limit prematurely. My apologies for not spotting this sooner.

As for why the limits are what they are, I actually couldn't tell you. For all I know they're just the default levels applied when the forum software was upgraded to include reaction functionality, which would have occurred well before my time. @Prostheta may have a better understanding behind these settings. More pragmatically, I can take a guess and suggest the reason behind the sliding scale of permissible reactions is that it encourages new users to get into the habit of interacting with others in conversation, rather than making a handful of posts and just smashing the 'like' button all the time.

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Thanks @curtisa!

I guess I started to notice the issue when I reached the Veterinary status. After having passed the New Member limitation I had no issues, even the 10 per day was sufficient at that time. 50 is plenty given the number of daily new posts, that would allow for reacting to each and every post! 200 is overkill, unless you think someone would read through all the history and react to ancient posts.

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6 hours ago, Bizman62 said:

when I reached the Veterinary status.

Biz, are you making a joke, or running up against translation issues here? I'd offer a little help if it is the latter.


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Just playing with words. Doesn't vet mean both a veteran and a veterinary?

The lack of "reactions" started about the same time with my status changing to Veteran Member.

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As the beloved poet said, "Sometimes I do, then again I think I don't"

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  • 3 weeks later...
2 hours ago, curtisa said:

@Bizman62, @ADFinlayson, @mistermikev, @Norris, @ScottR - Can I get a quick check-in from you guys and see if you're still happy with the number of reactions you're able to make per day? Something Ash posted in another topic has got me thinking you're still running into the limit too early.

I've not counted, but it seems like only 5 or 6 reactions in a 24 hour period. I've already used 3 in as many minutes this morning. I'm not sure why we would need to have a limit

Are you considering some quantitative easing to the PG reaction economy? :D

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There - I just blew my daily budget by liking posts in this thread. I managed a further 2! So I only got to make 5 reactions this morning, although I don't know where in the 24 hour cycle I am, so some from last night may have been counted too

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On 4/30/2020 at 3:41 PM, Bizman62 said:

The lack of "reactions" started about the same time with my status changing to Veteran Member.

I just checked - apparently I am also a veteran member 

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Thanks Noz.

Ok, so there's still something not quite right with the reactions quota for some accounts. Let me have a bit of a poke around and see if I can find where the hiccup lies...

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All - can you check you reactions quota and see if you can make more than five please? I have a feeling I may have found the issue and have bumped you all up to something a bit more realistic.

Note: I don't know what might happen to those of you who may have already reached your quota in 24 hours. You may need to wait an additional 24 hours for your quotas to reset before you're able to test.

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8 hours ago, curtisa said:

@Bizman62, @ADFinlayson, @mistermikev, @Norris, @ScottR - Can I get a quick check-in from you guys and see if you're still happy with the number of reactions you're able to make per day? Something Ash posted in another topic has got me thinking you're still running into the limit too early.

well, I would say I do ocassionally run out but I've been a bit absent lately.  I have noticed that sometimes the issue is I just need to log out and back in (tsk... I freq leave my session open - I know!).  Sometimes it's just - I run out and have to talk to folks (ew).

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