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Problem with binding work

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I've been working on my 3rd guitar, and unfortuantely the binding came out less than perfect. I had some gaps that I had to fill, and quite honestly it now looks pretty bad (around some areas, the rest look great).IMG-20200506-171155.jpg

As you can notice from the picture, this white binding goop hides the black line (scraping it won't help anymore), and I was wondering if you have any ideas about how to "recreate" this fine black line. I was thinking about several ideas - even drawing it with somekind of a pen (but I believe it would melt under lacquer).

In any way - and kind of help would be appreciated. It doesn't have to solve it 100% - just make it look somewhat decent (of course, the less noticable and close to perfect the better).



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well, you could try to lay down a sheet of paper on either side and carefully spray in some black, or use a bendable ruler to allow you to do a black magic marker line... and I think if you first hit it with some acrylic clear followed by lacquer you'd probably be ok... or you could just replace that section with a new piece and try to blend the joins with acetone/melted-binding... but in all honestly I think this would be a complete 'redo' for me.  Binding isn't ever really 'fun' but it's not all that hard.  It looks like that is on the top side... and I would look at it every time I play the guitar... and it would get under my skin. 

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