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Double Neck Electronics?


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I was looking at a double neck body on eBay, but was wondering about the electronics. Are all 4 pickups wired together? It seems the easiest way would be to wire the 4 pickups together and just use the pots for both guitars. That seems like a stupid way, playing wise. Does each guitar have it's one volume and tone pots? Is there two seperate jacks?

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I would have to assume its just considered 2 separate guitars with a master switch bewteen the two. Everything routed to one output jack. As far as volume and tone pots, they are switched over separately between each "guitar". I found a pic that will give you an idea of the basic layout.


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Yeah, that's it - like the Gibby 1275-whatever has a 3-way toggle on the 6-string neck, a 3-way toggle on the 12, and a 3-way toggle to select necks. You set each neck for the sound you want, then use the third switch to select which neck you're playing, or turn both on for some crazy resonance interaction a la Page.

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yehai had a carvin white double neck one of the old 18lb ones. and god it was heavy.. anyway i used to play the 12string side thru dist, but have the six string setup to be active. it was great as long as you didnt' bump the guitar into anything lol

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Doublenecks usually have two distinct sets of pickups, volume and tone controls, and their output is summed at the jack, with a three-way toggle to select either neck or both.

This is how I have my JEM double neck wired.

If you'd like a diagram, I can dig it up for ya. Brian might even have a copy of it somewhere.

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