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Figured Maple top- increasing the 3D?


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I recently bought a piece of bookmatched quilted maple from northridgehardwoods.com . I am happy not only with the figure but also with the grain/ring orientation, the darker lines of grain have a burl effect to them. To the pint though, the wrong side of the set shows the most 3-D effect- even though it is more rough than the inside that I have sanded. I thought that sanding would help bring out the effect, yet the rough "wrong" side still looks much better than the inside. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can increase the 3D effect some more? Besides geting another piece and/or staining it with different shades. Is there a certain way to sand it so that the "folds" will be as prominent on the right side as they are on the wrong side?

Peace and thanks for the help.

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