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Help with Finding the right paint for solid body

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Hey guys, im new to the forum and i was wondering if someone could help me out with finding the right paint to use on my tele style body. I am in for a long ride, this being my first guitar paintjob and all. I was thinking about getting some automotive paint from napa auto parts, they make custom paint. I have a very specific and rare paint color i want to have made. I actually heard a rumor about this paint, the one used on prince's cloud guitar, is the same as the one used on aircrafts. I am stuck right now in the phase of looking for the perfect paint for the job. I realize that kind of paint is expensive and hard to work with but i want to do the job correctly and have the color and finish come out the right way. Thanks a lot.

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Welcome to the forum funkyman :D

Do you have the gun and compressor to do that kind of paint job?

Really the first step is figuring out what you have available to you to work with. Automotive paint works extremely well but is or can be very toxic and needs special handling care.

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