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3 way toggle help

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I have an on off on toggle.

It has 6 hook ups.Im not using an input,I just want to hook straight to cord.

All I keep getting is on all the time.Im only hooking up 1 for now.It's always on.Bare with me,I've never wired anything up b4 :D

I need a neckpickup workin B) please and thanks

My neck pu has hot ground

my bridge has 2 grounds and hot

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The on/off/on switch you have is basically two switches wired together.

Think of each row of three as a 2 seperate circuits. when the switch is in the middle is does nothing(off) when it is up it connects the upper lug to the middle lug, when it is down it connects the lower lug to the middle lug. To connect a pickup to it, you want to run a hot wire to the middle lug and the upper lug to your pickup hot. Then simply ground the ground on your pickup. You could hook a different pickups hot wire to the lower lug if you want it to operate like this:

up: pickup 1

mid: off

Down: pickup2

Without the 2nd pickup it will operate like this

up: pickup 1

mid: off

down: off

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