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help with pickup color code


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IM having a really hard time finding the color code for the Ibanez INF (infinity) 1 and 2 pickups. The Ibanez website has wiring diagrams by guitar and when I click on my guitar (RGT 42) the diagram is wrong. It lists the pickups as Powersound wich they arent and the wiring is not the same as in mine, and in fine print it says that they are not responsiblie for the correctness of the diagrams. Now im tryinto put a new bridge pickup in and i want to kep the same wirng configurationbut i cant figure out wich each wire is to so does anyone here have any ideas to accurately figure this out?

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Well in that case, I'd use the RGT42 wiring diagram. It uses the same color wires that you've mentioned, rather than the standard Ibanez RBkWGn, so I would assume that the blue wire replaces the green wire in the standard Ibanez/DiMarzio color code:


If that doesn't work ( and I see no reason why it won't), maybe Kevan or one of the other Ibanez experts can help out.

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ill try that out then....the only thing was that on the rgt 42 diagram it connects totally diffrndtly to the switch and on the bridge pickup the black and white wires ae connected but what you say about the bluw replacing thwe green may make some sense so ill try thzt

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lol now that i look back on it that was proly a really simple thing to figure out since i already knew that the INF pickups were created by dimarzio and i could easily have loked up the color code....but ya thanks to everyone that helped

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