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Neck Question

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my cousin is getting ready to cut out and profile his guitar neck but we don't know how much space to give between the back of the neck and the truss cavity. he is using a 2 way adjustable hot rod which is .437" tall. the neck is also a 3 piece laminate of mahogony, purple heart, and mahogony

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oh he has 2 carbon rods as well so it shouldnt be a problem, we were just trying to find out where to rip the wood tomorrow.

I wouldn't rip it to the exact amount, It's better to give yourself some room and sand down to leave the 1/8". I know because I duplicated a neck one time and by the time I smoothed it out i lost a 1/16" then the paper thin wood cracked around the nut area because it wasn't enough wood. So be very careful and use digital calipers to be sure you don't go too far.

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well thats just common sense, but we planed on taking it down to about 5/16ths above the plans just for leeway and to make sure we dont snap it, he is also doing a volute in it, should be a fun project, im only cutting this part for him, i have had nothing but bad luck with my necks....

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yeah, we decided to leave them about 1 1/4" thick for a hell of a lot of leeway space and he wanted to see just how tough purpleheart is, he did realize it took us 4 hours to cut through the damn stuff!!! the full lamination was 12"wide 3" thick and 6' long(the purpleheart was and it was the thickest piece!) we got 6 blanks out of it and they all have a 13 degree angle on the headstock.

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i just got a call from my cousin and he told me he planed the neck blank down to 11/16" thick!!! is he going to be alright or is he screwed!? he already has the truss rod in and hes going to get the carbon rods in tomorrow but i dont think theres enough wood there is there?

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