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Hello there!

I'm new here, so, I hope I'm posting this thread in the correct place. I searched the forum for these articles, but as I didn't find any, I decided to post this.

First of all, it's a pleasure to be here with all of you. I hope I will have a good time...

So... on to the main question: has anyone ever built a set-neck electric?

I need some tips on setting the neck...

I have just bought a custom guitar (originally, it was a Vester) that has a bolt-on neck.

The neck is a weird mahogany one, not the original one, and it was bolt-on in such a way that it is almost 1mm away from the socket (!!!)...

What I'd like to to is either convert the guitar to a set-neck or, maybe, keeping the bolts but glueing the neck to the body.

Would you please give me your oppinions on this? Would it make a "messy" sound, due to the mixed joint? What glues should I use to set the neck?

Thanks very much in advance... keep on rocking, everyone!



Combining the bolts with glue is a good idea except for if the neck ever has an issue and needs to be removed. Before you glue it, make sure the scale is correct. I would use titebond original


I don't really see any benefits of gluing, and it'll be a huge pain to remove the neck for repairs. You could get a piece of mahogany scrap, glue it to the short part of the neck and then shape it to fill in the missing area. If you just glue in the neck all the way, then you might have trouble intonating. Although 1mm isn't very long, it could push your saddles to where they don't want to intonate. Then you'd either have to put the neck how it was before (huge pain with the neck glued on), or move the bridge back (even bigger pain).


Thanks for your precious help, guys.

You spoke about the neck removal: if it's glued, how can the neck be removed? Heat, probably...

Also one more thing: how do you usually remove the polish?

Do you sand it away or do you use chemichals? What products do you use? (sandpaper grains and/or chemicals)

Thanks very much...



Steaming is gonna be your best bet to remove a glued neck. Make sure you get something that's not waterproof if you do decide to glue it. Just look up stuff on how to remove set necks, or acoustic necks. There are several ways to remove the finish. Look on the main PG site at the refinishing tuts for more info on that.


i had a post along the topic of glue/bolt neck but it was a long time ago...

the only benefit i saw was being able to slim down the joint and give better access.

but i eventually decided to leave my neck the way it was.


Ok, thanks...

So, now one more thing: how can I stain a maple top?

Is there any special technique? I really don't have a clue on how to do it... :S

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