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newbie, 5 string bass neck for jazz V

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hi all,

I am having trouble finding a replacment neck for a Fender Jazz V bass.

The fender specs are 34" scale, 20 frets and no overhange on fingerbord( I think).

Warmoth does not have such a beast. Anyone know where to get such , or do I

have to go custom and have it made? Might not be worth it for a MIM fender Jazz body.

thanks for any tips, suggustion or info welcomed.


Jeff spgjmf@yahoo.com

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Ya, the curve at the end of the neck is different I think. I know that they only guarantee that it will fit American basses.

hi all,

I called USA custom guitars and they can build a neck

for about $200. I don't know what is special about the neck on a MIM vs. American Jazz V, but I at least found a neck. Body with electronics was $100, so

I am in $300 plus tuners and strings.... Is this worth it for a MIM jazz V ?



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