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Hey everyone, I've recently started to collect parts to build the guitar i will take to uni. So far i have an 80s jap squier neck, a strat copy body with bridge and everything. The only problem is, i'm having real problems finding tuning pegs for the squire neck. I darent just buy some strat pegs incase the don't fit. The holes are almost exactly 1cm (10mm) in diameter. Is this the standard size? and if so, can anyone point me to a good place to buy pegs that will fit online (gotta ship to UK tho).

Thanks everyone! :D


In the UK : Pincotts Are the Uk arm of allparts.

Looking in the catalogue at my desk here at work (Obviously, guitar part catalogs are essential reading in an IT Department), Prices start at about 25 quid.

Just make sure you put the size on the order form just to make sure you get what you want.


  • 2 years later...

If you're not against the idea of ordering from abroad:

Guitarfetish.com have some budget stuff (like the wilkinson tuners mentioned earlier) and very good service.

Guitarpartsresource.com have the higher end stuff (sperzels will fit a 10mm hold perfectly, and inc delivery shouldn't cost much over £40)

Ebay! I know people will shun me for saying that, but its a good source for parts.



You dont have to order from abroad, use the aforementioned suppliers but also gp to your local guitar / music shop. Many of these places will stock guitar parts or will order them in for you. I got mine for about £17 from the shop which ment I didn't have to pay p + P. If the shop has an account with the distributors they shouldn't add it on either ( at least my local shop never)

They were from the guitar tech range

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