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minimun depth between Trs rod and back of neck

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Im making a neck out of birdseye maple and have glued the thing together

The fretboard (ebony) is really thick (about 6mm), and ive put the truss rod in, but what is the minimum thickness to be safe with between the truss rod and back of neck, so that there is no danger of the neck either snapping or the truss rod preasure cracking the back of the neck?


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On a Strat style guitar, we got the average reading of .220" of fretboard thickness. That's why if your not careful, you'll be stuck with a big boat neck if you don't sand down some of the fretboard top. They generally are sold with 1/4" (.250") on the thickest part of their fretboard. So to do your figuring, take the truss slot depth in to consideration, add 1/8" for the wood between slot and back of neck, and the fretboard thickness to get your guideline of how thin you can make it. Now you can see how planning pays off before you even start.

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