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Good Stains?


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Depends on what you intend to finish over it with.

Generally, using oil-based products is a no-no, anything with the word 'stain' in it is a no-no.

What you are looking for are anilyne dyes, not stains. That's if you want it to look like a Pro job. If you want to stain it, your call, but I wouldn't recommend anything I saw there except for the dry dyes...notice the word DYES.

The only thing I saw there that was suitable was the Homestead dry dyes, but there was no blue offered under that.

Keep looking. B):D

And yes, the Stew-Mac stuff does say 'stain' on it (I have a few of those), not sure why, I consider them to be dyes, not stains. :D

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i think its too light colored, but in the third picture on the top half (i guess low light) its kinda dark. i like that

so i should test it on a scrap first? if i add more powder or whatever will it make it darker?

or do i have to put more coats on?

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  • 5 weeks later...
Mine is water based. Water based will raise the gran more...

A wash coat of 75% de-natured alcohol/25% shelac will minimize grain raising and will also result in a more even color. I've done loads of coloring with analine dyes, and I just slop on a wash coat with a disposable foam brush and lightly sand it with 320-400 grit before applying the dye.

A former employer believed that the alcohol based analine dyes were more vivid, but I'm not sure I agree. I use the water based stuff.

You can get a 10 color pack of Arti dyes for 20 buck at Highland Hardware:

Arti Dye 10 Pack

The deep black is cool for picture frames made from scraps of maple. I did my daughter's dresser carcase in the yellow on ash faced plywood.

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