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Anyone can confirm if this will work? New ideas?


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I'm finalizing wiring on my Yamaha RGX621D that I rebuilt. It now sports two humbuckers (Duncan Custom and Jazz). The custom only has 1 connector (had to repair it with what I had on hand) while the Jazz still has 4 connectors.

I don't care much for split bridge humbuckers anyway, but I do want to have a serie/parallel option for the neck pickup.

What I'm working with: 5 way switch and 2 500k pots with push/pull DPDT switches.

One important thing is I want to be able to easily bypass the tone/vol pots with the bridge humbucker (one reason is I use my guitar's volume control to control gain level since my amp is a fairly simple Marshall 50 watters).

So I came up with this concept:

- Run neck HB through push/pull switch (tone pot) first to switch between parallel and serie

- Connect neck HB hot lead to pole #1 on the 5 way switch

- Connect bridge HB hot lead to pole #2 and #3

- Connect common from 1st side to common from 2nd side

- Connect pole #3 on the 2nd side directly to the output

- Connect pole #1 and #2 on the 2nd side to the volume and tone circuitry, and then to the output.

If I understand correctly, I'll get the following sounds:

1- Neck humbucker with volume/tone active (serie unless otherwise selected by push/pull)

2- Neck and bridge humbucker in parallel with volume/tone active (neck HB serie unless otherwise selected by push/pull)

3- Bridge humbucker with volume/tone active

4- Bridge humbucker with tone active, volume out of the circuit

5- Bridge humbucker, volume/tone completely out of the circuit

This way I can lower the volume to get a clean bridge HB tone on position 3, and then switch to nasty distortion easily. Or I can go to a bright bridge HB tone to a mellow neck HB tone (with the tone rolled off) without needing 2 tone pots.

To this sounds correct?

Any better ideas? Plus, anyone has an idea of what I could do with the 2 push/pull switch? I though maybe phasing, but that may be difficult since the bridge HB only has 1 connector. Could I switch the ground and the lead coming out of the 1st push/pull with the 2nd push/pull to switch the phase of the neck HB instead?

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