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  • Guitar Of The Month - October 2015

    @V16 Guitars, ES-O "Berkeley"

    "This is my entry for the October 2015 Guitar of the Month Contest - 

    I have a little 1-man shop in a 10X15 Tuffshed in my back yard.  I call my guitar line "V16 Guitars" after my favorite Cadillacs of the 1930's. I was the Luthier and shop manager for Chandler Guitars in the early '90's, and have recently started to build again, this time on my own. I have probably built at least 100 guitars in my 32 years of luthiery.

    This model I call the ES-O "Berkeley". It is a semi-hollow with a flat sawn Eastern Maple/quarter-sawn Douglas Fir sandwich core overlaid with a 7-ply top and back. The hand inlaid fingerboard is Brazilian Rosewood slotted to a 25" scale. The binding, pickup rings, pickguard, and trussrod cover are also made from 1-piece of Brazilian Rosewood. The 5-ply neck is made from quarter-sawn Rock Maple, Purple Heart, and Genuine Mahogany.The humbuckers are V16 "777" models that I scatter wind myself to approximately 7.77K ohm, and load with 49.2mm butyrate bobbins, and AlNiCo V magnets.  

    You can view the entire build process at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1135001589850754.1073741866.730681670282750&type=3


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