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soapbarstrat last won the day on August 18 2023

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  1. I just wish Walmart would get the freaking batteries for them back in stock.
  2. Red one was a garage sale find. It came with a Dremel scroll saw. $30 for both. I actually have the knob somewhere. Someone was stupid with a can of red spray paint The Dremel scroll saw ran horribly because there was no blade, so got him to come down on price. At home with a blade, ran fine, plus discovered extra blades in a not so obvious storage location on the saw itself two blue shelves, curbside trash find they are steel.
  3. I’ve gotten way too many at Estate sales. This isn’t even all of them
  4. I think mostly what you’re paying for with the StewMac blade is the dual thicknesses . I would think with added blade stabilizers, a blade wouldn’t need the added thickness. Not hard to come across much cheaper blades with a thickness around .022”, but the outer diameter is too small to poke out of the top of the table saw enough. Maybe wrong tooth grind/set too, ‘cause I think these blades I’m talking about are meant for cutting metal.
  5. Haven’t used my main large bench since I don’t know when. I have so many tools and parts, I can’t even grasp the entire reality of it. I routinely come across stuff I don’t remember seeing before
  6. I guess a bar, if he/she’s looking to hook up
  7. Minimal pressure while scoring. And I assume you know, scoring does not mean going all the way through.
  8. Some good stuff in those videos. Thanks for telling about it
  9. Does not look like original factory frets
  10. You don’t have the old frets that were already in the neck?
  11. Sintoms might make barbless fretwire. I think I would prefer barbless if I built new necks. Hell, I’ve often shaved down the barbs for refrets.
  12. There was actually a member here who said something like that many years ago. He said he didn’t trust the guitars he built. I couldn’t help but imagining his guitars suddenly blowing up in his face or something He could have a brand called Timebomb Guitars.
  13. I’ve seen a lot of people build their own guitar, but still prefer to play factory made guitars. After building one myself, I don’t understand those people. I feel way more connected to the one I built, and became more distant to my factory made guitars.
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