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Scott Rosenberger

Blues Tribute Group
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About Scott Rosenberger

  • Birthday 07/16/1972

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  • Location
    Abingdon, Maryland

Scott Rosenberger's Achievements

Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. I was cleaning my shop and found 8 Stewmac fingerboard band clamps in decent condition. $20 shipped and paypalled for all Like these http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Tools/Clamps,_support_tools/Fingerboard_Band_Clamp.html?
  2. hey guys, I'm selling the last of my fretting tools. I have an auction up on ebay for $175 but I'll sell them to a member here for $150. That's 1/2 of what they would cost new from Stew Mac. I'm not breaking up the lot though. Here's a link to the auction http://www.ebay.com/itm/330977013680
  3. I've got 2. one Original Floyd in Gold and 1 Schaller Floyd in Gold as well
  4. I was going to finish it clear with a very light smoke burst on the egdes. It looks great keep it up
  5. I'm not in a position to be building anymore so I'm selling off what's left here in the shop Items for Sale
  6. you need an 8 ohm cabinet
  7. I use either my PRS Hollowbody 1 or my PRS Custom 22 Soapbar into the JTM Module of my Randall RM100...with a Fulltone Fulldrive II to goose it a little
  8. LoopMaster
  9. Get a Looper to get some of those pedals out of the signal chain when you're not using them. your tone will thank you for it
  10. They had "good' beer. I was drinking Blue Moon Belgian White ale all day. the coors light was for the girls I'll try to give you an idea of the players. 1 the heavy guy is Johnny Hiland who is also Blind-killer player. he can go from Chicken Picken to shred in a heartbeat 2. the Older gentelman playing the Red PRS 513 model is Dan Toler from the Allman Brothers Band. 3 the guy with the grey Goatee is Derek St. Holmes from Ted Nugents band. Miles Kennedy and Mark Tremonti from Creed/AlterBridge were there as was the guitarist from American Idol and Prince as well I'm the guy with the Goatee pictured with Johnny Hiland amd my wife is in the photo with Mark tremonti
  11. I have some from Day 2 mostly Factory tour photos though
  12. Photos from Day one of the PRS Experience Enjoy the Photos
  13. MMMMMM Kuba Kuba...My favorite Acid Cigar
  14. Bump-Trades? Bassbuilders Make me an Offer
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