I guess I'll start off with the first build progress, Violin #2.
Will be constructed from European Maple & Spruce. I start off with the Cedar blocks. They are cut 1mm longer than needed, and lightly glued to the mold:
After the glue has dried I use a sanding board to completely level everything off, and add a 2mm taper toward the neck, for a finished thickness of 32mm and 30mm, respectively. Once that is done I shape the blocks to accept the ribs:
After selecting bookmatched rib material I trim it all to a rough height of 33mm, then cut the individual ribs to rough lenght:
The ribs are then steam bent on an aluminum bending iron, beginning with the waist area. Once they are bent I glue then in:
After the waist ribs are dry I do the same with upper and lower bouts:
After a preliminary trimming of the excess rib height, I glue in Cedar linings, which are also steam bent, on the front and back: