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About omgiv

  1. Hi Bizman62, Thank you for the reply and the help. I had tried, but did not mention in the post, gently tapping the frets back in but there was no movement. I had tried the post it note trick under the frets and they were indeed raised. I also tried something thin underneath to see if there was possibly something stuck underneath keeping it from going in any further. I don think that the tangs are as fully seated as they currently can be. I wasn't really looking forward to pulling a few or all frets so I may just level it as you recommended. If that doesn't work, I can always take it further later on. Thank you again for the help!!!
  2. Hi All, This is my first post on the forum and was hoping that I could get some help and suggestions from others about a used neck that I am hoping to use. It is a Fender factory neck for a Stratocaster. The frets are not level and have a very fat surface on top. The question I had was that it looks as if there are a few frets that are not fully seated into the fretboard. I pressed them with my hands and there is no give or bounce when applying pressure. I have looked at it under pretty good magnification and it looks like the tang is fully seated on the bottom of the fret slot but the bottom of the fret is not touching the fretboard. I can make out where the slot was perhaps cut deeper but then later filled with something to match. I will try to attach a couple of pictures showing what I am talking about. The fretboard has a 9 1/2" radius and I was told it has 6105 frets. I measured them at a width of.091" and a height of .055". I want to properly set this neck up for success so I was wondering if I should just level the board as it is, pull the raised frets and deepen the fret slot, or pull all of the frets and refret the entire board. There is one fairly raised fret and two that aren't as severe. Thanks for and help or advice in advance and please let me know if you need more info. Regards, Ivy
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