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Everything posted by LittleNeil

  1. Nope... Albert's guitars are made by Ernie Ball MusicMan
  2. Hi Timius, I'm a newbie here but have had an Axis Sport since they stopped doing that fugly scratchplate... As Primal said, the Tru-Oil is from Birchwood-Casey, as is the wax (product number 23723 -PSW from http://www.birchwoodcasey.com/sport/index.html ). When I got my Axis, the head techie at the UK Distributor told me that EBMM use 0000 gauge wire wool to rub in the oil first, then once nicely applied they use a clean, lint free cloth to apply wax to seal it in. Once that's done and dried, apply a light coat of oil so the neck doesn't feel sticky. Seems to have worked for me! Hope that helps, Neil
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