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mini-toggle possibilities


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how 'bout some ideas here. the guy that i'm building my current guitar for has changed his mind about the pickups. we were going to go with a humbucker/single coil/humbucker configuration and he's taken out the single coil. the good news is that i hadn't routed for the single coil yet. the need for creativity comes from the fact that i have already drilled the front of the body for three mini-toggle switches. one for each pickup. i'm using a rear control panel and no pick guard. so what i'm left with is two humbuckers and three switch holes. my first thought is to use the first on/off/on for a neck coil tap and the second on/off/on for a bridge parallel/series switch. i'm thinking of using the third spot for an on/on/on used as a varitone switch. put three different capacitors on it. maybe a .005, a .01 and ansil's 1 mfd.

anybody got any ideas about a different setup that's not too difficult to operate and would give it a unique sound?

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my partner here at the store also builds guitars and just bought an emg. i'm not familiar with them so i'm going to let him go first. what would the purpose of a kill switch be? thanks both of you.

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my partner here at the store also builds guitars and just bought an emg. i'm not familiar with them so i'm going to let him go first. what would the purpose of a kill switch be? thanks both of you.

A kill switch is basically what it sounds like. It kills all the sound coming from your guitar. Theyre nice when you need to not have any sound coming from your guitar.

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