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In Thr Process Of Building My First

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I have recently finished carving the body of my T-style guitar. I have routed the neck pocket. The neck seems to fit well. It is not as snug as some of you seem to get yours, but it is pretty darn close. Next time I plan to make it just a tad smaller than my template and sand until the nexck fits snug.

I have a question regarding routing the neck pu. I have a pair of rio grande (muy grande that I plan to install. I know when I do the bridge I will route the pocket and be able to mount the pu through the bridge plate. However, i do not intend to use a pickguard. Therefore, I am not sure what I should do to mount the neck pu? I assume I still route a 5/8" deep pocket, but I also assume it needs to be smaller than the template I have because there will be no pickguard to cover the larger hole area.

Am I headed in the right direction? Do I just screw into the wood at the bottom of the routed area?



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If I were you, I'd measure your template against the base of your pickup. If they are close, I'd go for it. If not, I'd either make a new template using the base size from your pickup, or just trace the pickup base onto the body and rout! It would take a steady hand and a small jig, but would work. To attach the actual pickup (I'm assuming it's a single-coil), I'd put height-adjustment springs around the screws, which can gointo a pilot hole.

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The neck seems to fit well. It is not as snug as some of you seem to get yours, but it is pretty darn close. Next time I plan to make it just a tad smaller than my template and sand until the nexck fits snug.

Usually the paint will take care of it. If not you could always get neck shims if your not satisfied.

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