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Got A Couple Questions

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Think of it like art.  Hmm, a $50 canvas and $5 worth of oil paints don't really add up to the thousands of dollars some pieces of art go for.  The value is in the unseen.  The builders here who do custom work are CREATING something new, which has innate value in and of itself, something that can't really be broken down into dollars and cents.

Great comparison. And it should be also said that it is very fair that a great luthier makes a living out of his art.

I do not think it is the price of luthier-hand-made-guitars that we should be questioning, but that of certain "custom" guitars which I seriously doubt are handmade, or certain signature guitars like the Pagey one which I believe to be really too expensive for what they offer.

If someone believes he can do as well as an experienced luthier for less money, well then...

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Think of it like art.  Hmm, a $50 canvas and $5 worth of oil paints don't really add up to the thousands of dollars some pieces of art go for.  The value is in the unseen.  The builders here who do custom work are CREATING something new, which has innate value in and of itself, something that can't really be broken down into dollars and cents.

Great comparison. And it should be also said that it is very fair that a great luthier makes a living out of his art.

I do not think it is the price of luthier-hand-made-guitars that we should be questioning, but that of certain "custom" guitars which I seriously doubt are handmade, or certain signature guitars like the Pagey one which I believe to be really too expensive for what they offer.

If someone believes he can do as well as an experienced luthier for less money, well then...

Exactly.. you can pay 4250 for a DeTemple and know that he slaved over your instrument for several weeks.. Or you can pay 3Gs for a fender custom shop guitar and know that the only difference between it and the others, is the wood went to a higher paid craftsman after the CNC spit it out. Honestly, there are a lot of builders selling in the 1500-2500 range that are handmade and would absolutely slaughter a fender or gibson custom shop model for less money. You pay for the experience and quality.

My taylor acoustic (allbeit mass produced) cost me a heck of a lot more than i would have liked.. about 2Gs and that was in 1995. But never once have i worried about it, had a problem with, it sounds as good today as it did back then. Before it i went through about 4 acoustics. 1 stolen 1 just sucked and 2 went bad, warped or some other problem. You get what you pay for ultimately. The taylor probably has about 250-300 dollars worth of wood and hardware in it, but the peace of mind that came with it's manufacturing and history were worth every penny.

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That body appears to have an undrilled bolt-on type neck pocket and looks to be standard strat heel shaped.. so yes.  You just have to make sure the luth has the dimensions.

another Q

should i request to the guys not to route out a neck pocket?

would there be an advtange to the way the neck is set?

or will the strat-heel pocket be just fine for this kinda guitar?

Edited by mailman
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