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Mirror Or Diamond Plate Steel Pickguard


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first u will need the material i got mine from a boat building place their scrap bin was full of good sized peices of flat and diamond plate of varying thicknesses i got an 18" square for ten dollars it would have been five but i only had a ten so we went to the office for change and the boss made him charge me 10 damnit

take ur pickguard off ur guitar then trace it onto the flat side (including pickup,screw holes etc ) of the plate.

obviously you dont have to have the same shape but hole placement in relation to each other and to neck pocket cutout is important

i used a jigsaw with a metal blade(important!) to cut it out. go slowly aluminium has a low melting point. (i had the blade clog up with molten metal)

the metal sheet is prone to "juddering" (if thats a word)

i had my mate stand on the sheet and also move it often so the part i was cutting was near the edge of the workbench (my deck/veranda) making it more stable

once you have it cut out roughly, check it fits then file it to exact shape. part of the reason i used aluminium is because its very soft/easy to file

for pickup holes drill some holes first to put the jigsaw blade in then cut it to shape.

drill all other holes, countersink with bigger drill bit when needed

check it fits good adjust where needed

also if u use metal with a textured surface u may have problems with pots not turning properly. an angle grinder can help here but make sure all the grinding you do will be hidden under the knob

feel free to ask anything if i didnt explain well enough or i left something out

good luck

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