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First Project Idea

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Hi guys,

I've been away from these forums for months. Had to take a long break. Don't know if many of you remember me.

Anyway, I had a custom guitar made for me a year back and i'm planning on not doing my own project based on my custom I had made. Basically, I will have the same neck made, and I would like to make the body myself. What do you guys think is the easiest wat for me to get all the measurements right for the neck pocket, pickups and bridge (which was a gibson style tune-o-matic)?

The body is my own design, but all I really need to do is to get the measurements for bridge, pickups and neck pocket correct since they are what is really important.

If I decide to go ahead with it then I will be able to use tools here at uni to work on it with so it shouldnt cost me a lot.

Cheers for any help.

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If it were me in your position, I would make sure I had the neck, bridge, and pickups in my possetion before starting any cutting. That way you can easily compare the part to the route its going into. I wouldn't stop planning for the routes, I would just wait to make them till the hardware was on hand for carefull scrutiny.

I always route the neck pocket to the neck that will be used, being such a critical cut, I try not to generalize and just make the pocket to the dimension the neck is supposed to be. As far as the pickup routes go I finally broke down and just bought a set of pup templates from stewmac. For the bridge - I have never installed a TOM on any of my guitars, so I don't have anything for ya there.

Good luck man, sorry I couldn't provide the measurements themselves.

See ya in the sandbox,

Nate Robinson

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Hey its no problem. Thanks for the advice.

Im going to talk it through with the builder of my guitar to see how much he recommends I do myself.

I plan to have a one piece mahogany body.

How do you do the little holes between the pickup cavity and the control cavity. My control cavity will be rear routed, picup cavities front routed but the holes connecting the two are right through the middle on my current guitar. So i'm not sure how he did them.

Ok, yeah waiting for the pieces seems like a sensible idea. Im going to carefully plan it anyway. I want it to be as close to perfect as possible, I want a very playable guitar at the end of it.

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