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Oil Finishing A Maple Neck

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Hi, I wonder if someone can help. (BTW I have checked through the forums and tutorials on this topic - but I have just a couple of questions that there doesn't seem to be a clear answer on.) Also I can't/won't spray!

I got a really nicely figured birdseye maple Tele neck with maple fingerboard off ebay for a Partscaster. However, its finish seems to be a very thin clear satin poly sealer that does nothing for the wood. It plays nicely enough but I am tempted to add a build of tru oil which will hopefully do 2 things - one is to bring out the figuring and secondly to give the neck and fingerboard a slightly more durable finish.

My question relates to Tru oil on a maple fingerboard - none of the other posts on this topic are clear on this. Loads of posts about finishing the neck with oil but not the f/b. I really do not want a sticky fretboad - I have always like the feel of unfinished rosewood and ebony and hated the hard shiny laquered maple ones. I have a feeling that a Tru oil finish on the fingerboard and neck will give me what I am looking for ie slick and natural but not sticky/slippy like shiny laquer - I am I correct?

My plan was to sand off the sealer by hand and then to build up thin coats of truoil on both the back and front of the neck. Polishing back every couple of coats with OOOO. My key issue is whether Tru oil will work on the fingerbaord.

Any thoughts on all of this would be gratefully received.



PS Eriks bass on the home page is awesome!

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Tru-Oil will dry hard, and you can bring it up to a pretty decent gloss. I don't know how much protection it'll offer the fingerboard from string wear, though. Main reason I don't like maple boards is the look and feel of shiny finished maple on the fingerboard. Anywhere else, sure, beautiful. On the fingerboard, not s'much.

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Tru-Oil will dry hard, and you can bring it up to a pretty decent gloss. I don't know how much protection it'll offer the fingerboard from string wear, though. Main reason I don't like maple boards is the look and feel of shiny finished maple on the fingerboard. Anywhere else, sure, beautiful. On the fingerboard, not s'much.

Thanks Mattia,

Maybe I should be thinking more in terms of Danish Oil for this job. What I seek is a finish that will bring out the figuring and leave the whole neck feeling pretty natural. Like you I have always hated the shiny fingerboard finish that Fender put on their maple f/bs. Looks great but sucks when you play it. Is Tru Oil going to be too close to that?

I really like the feel of matt finish on the back of the maple necks I have but they all have rosewood f/bs - maybe I should just leave it with the matt sealer and live with the figuring not coming through. Its not like I will be gigging 4 days a week with it - too old for all that nonsense now!



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Tru-Oil should work about as well as any other similar product (tung oil, danish oil, etc.). It's not really much different than using it on the back of the neck. An oil finish would be better for bringing out the figure, but no oil finish is going to stand up to wear like a lacquer or poly finish. So maybe you have to clean and recoat it from time to time. Big deal. If that's the finish you like, go for it.

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Tru-Oil should work about as well as any other similar product (tung oil, danish oil, etc.).  It's not really much different than using it on the back of the neck.  An oil finish would be better for bringing out the figure, but no oil finish is going to stand up to wear like a lacquer or poly finish.  So maybe you have to clean and recoat it from time to time.  Big deal.  If that's the finish you like, go for it.

Hi RyanB

Thanks for the response. I am not looking for wear and tear as the guitar is not going to be sweated over for 2 hours at gigs etc - I only do a bit of recording and the odd live spot for 20 mins and this Tele is one of many guitars that will be used!

Thanks for the advice guys - I think I will give it a go with the oil.


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