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Laminating To Get Enough Body Thickness

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I'm going to be ordering my body wood from Larry at Gallery Hardwoods, but he does not have Black Limba available in 2 1/4" thick stock. I have not found anyone that does. So, if I want an all Black Limba body I will have to laminate two pieces togther to get enough thickness in order to end up with 2 1/8" thick before I carve the top.

So, here's my question: Should it make any difference in tone if the two pieces glued together are the same thickness, or if the top is the thinner of the two pieces, or the back is the thinner of the two pieces? If the top is the thinner piece (like a Les Paul) the bridge inserts will make contact with both pieces, on either side of the glue joint. Does anyone have reason to believe that one way will sound better than the other? Or am I being ridiculus for being so ****?

Disregard the 2 3/8" diminsion in the title of this post, it should read 2 1/4".

Edited by Stolysmaster
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I don't think it'd make any difference at all, other than a cosmetic one. I'm in a similar situation to yours, with about a 2" thick limba blank. I had it resawn into a piece 1 1/8" thick and a piece 3/4" thick. I'm putting a piece of 3/8" wenge between the two, then carving down to the top of the wenge - I think it'll look really good, it'll add the thickness I need, and then I won't have to mess with binding :D.

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That sounds like a neat idea! But won't you have to be very careful to sand JUST ENOUGH on the edges so as not to sand through the top, but sand enough not tohave any Black Limba on top of the "binding" from the side view?

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