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My First Bass

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I didn't take any pictures of this until the other night but here's what I have done so far.

My Webpage :D Ok I tried a few times to post a pic and couldn't get it right, so here's a link.

- It's a 34" scale 5 string.

- Maple and red oak laminated neck with a maple finger board. LMI 2-way truss rod and two .20" x .25" carbon fiber rods.

- 24 frets and no inlays or fret markers on the face of the finger board, just black side dots.

- Body is American Sycamore. I have a lot of it around to use up. The body will be painted a parchment color, since the wood is nothing special to look at.

- Parchment/black/parchment pick guard with 45 degree bevel to show the line. I haven't decided on the shape yet but I think I'm going to glue it down so there will be no extra screws showing on the front. Help me out with the shape.

- All black hardware.

- Two Kent Armstrong soap bar pickups.

- Volume, blend and tone controls and maybe a couple on/on switches to coil tap each pickup. The knobs are just a little bigger diameter than the nut on the pots. They were salvaged from on old stereo preamp before I threw it out. I thought they would look good on this project.

- Black DR strings.

- The neck and finger board will be left natural finish or maybe a little amber tint.

More pics.

My Webpage

My Webpage

My Webpage

This is my first time posting pics and links on here so I hope I did it right. (I didn't!)

Your comments and suggestions are welcome. Help me out with the pick guard shape.

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  • 2 months later...

I work slow but here is my bass after a weekend of sanding, polishing and assembly. This is my first solid color but then I have only built three quitars from scratch so far. I almost gave up on the finish until I read a tutorial on this forum about how to level, polish and buff out a finish. These pictures are not the best but I think it turned out good for my first attempt.


I still have to do the wiring, make a truss rod cover and work on the nut. This is only a hobby so it takes me a while to complete a project.

More pics.

Spraying on the sealer.



Front. The pickguard is glued on with a rear access panel so there are no screws in the pickguard.





Edited by RLRSHOP
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I love the shape of the body and I especially like the shape of the pickguard. Its probably one of the nicest shapes I've seen. Like Campy, I'm not so sure of the painted back of the headstock...

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Thanks for the comments.

Originally none of the head stock was to be painted but it’s covering a carving mistake on the back. I had to use a little wood filler to smooth things out again. So I painted the front too. The edges are not painted and there is a thin line of paint around the edge so it really looks like some kind of veneer on both sides instead of just paint. I’ll post a picture of that when I get time.

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