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Need Help Rebuilding A Strat Knock-off

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Okay well a few years ago my brother got a knock-off of a Stratocaster on eBay. It stopped working the second day (one of the wires to the input jack came off). Well now here we are, years later, he got himself a Squier (that he doesn't play...), and I've got two basses and an acoustic guitar. Recently I decided I wanna build a bass, and then I remembered his old "Strat" (it's actually a JCX Star Gazer). I got the body, unhooked the input jack completely and the wire that goes to the vibrato thing in the back (is that useful at all?). I thought "Okay, I'll just solder these wires back and then there! Another guitar". But I kind of wanted to make some new pick ups for it to get a really hot sound out of it.

Getting to my point: I now want to put three humbuckers in there. Really I'd probably just have to route for the middle and neck ones, because the bridge has a pretty big hole in it (er...well...you know what I mean). Here's a pic of the body after I put the neck back on (my brother decided to just completely take it apart one day)


Here we have it. What I want to with it is put in a hardtail bridge, and again three humbuckers. I was thinking maybe get a Tele bridge on it, but I think that'd be too much work. So, here's my questions:

What kind of humbuckers should I put in there? Is there anyone who can get me some decent ones for a low price? This thing is just something I'll play in my room.

Where can I get a hardtail bridge that isn't worth more than this guitar body?

Does anyone have experience with make humbuckers? If so, some words of wisdom about it.

So there we have it. Thanks for any and all help.

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GFS pickups are pretty good. You can pick some up at store.guitarfetish.com

I got a Tele blade humbucker for my tele and its pretty good.

And not to hijack or anything, but he mentioned putting a hardtail bridge of some sort on that guitar, and i was wondering if theres an easier way to put a hardtail on than filling the dern trem cavities? I need to do the conversion on my Saga kit and I dont have any good wood to use to fill it int (nor do i know where to get any).

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Well I mentioned I wanted to make them myself, because I figured it'd be fun. As for puts...well I don't need any news ones (not to my knowledge). I'm just gonna use the ones still in the pickguard.

Anyway, I've decided that for now, I'll keep it as SSS, and if I ever change my mind, well then I can go ahead and change it.

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