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First Relic Job

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this guitar started life as a second hand £80 squier strat in white. a few years ago i painted it to look like the hendrix monterey strat. i bought some pressed steel sadles for the bridge and some 'aged' plastic parts.

full length shot

body close up


then a few months ago i bought this neck plate and put on a fender decal (i know its naughty but its only for me and im never going to sell it) its not the right one for that guitar i know but i prefer the spaghetti logo to the transition one. i also bought some split post kluson alike tuners for £14! and they're very good too.

a few days ago i decided id do my first relic job with this guitar. i was a bit nervous but i thought i might as well try.

i soaked the pu covers, knobs, switch and trem tips in tea and they came out very well. today i took the plunge and worked on the neck. i only took a bit of the finish off, on each side near the first few frets. i went down to the bare wood, rubbed some of the tea in it, then some dirt, then put a tiny bit of danish oil on some wire wool and rubbed it in. im really pleased with how it looks. i was a bit nervous about doing it but im glad i did.

tomorrow im going to start work on the body. i may do more to the neck, but im going to wait and see how it goes with the body when thats done.

i'll post pics of the neck and the plastic bits tomorrow (if i remember)

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some more pics of yesterdays work.

here are the stained parts. they look better than this in the flesh i assure you.

this is what i did on the neck yesterday. like i said, i might do more. i'll wait and see how it goes with the body and then decide.

side view

other side

back view

today i'll make a start on the body

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i guess that would be the way to go for a true jimi monterey strat huh?

im only going for mild wear, so a few small dents and some wearing of the paint.

this is what iv done so far.



does it look too deliberate? any ideas about how to go about making it less so?

im not going to make them any bigger than that i dont think. like i said im only going for mild wear.

anyway, im done for today, its too hot. more tomorrow

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does it look too deliberate? any ideas about how to go about making it less so?

It does look a little deliberate at the moment IMHO, I think its because its just in the 2 places and nowhere else, its like a pristine guitar wth 2 very worn areas, I think it would look more real if the whole guitar was a bit more beat up.

Great paintjob BTW!

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does it look too deliberate? any ideas about how to go about making it less so?

im not going to make them any bigger than that i dont think. like i said im only going for mild wear.

It does look deliberate. You could try breaking up the uniform sanded look by using some coarser grades of sandpaper and going in a couple of different directions.


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inbetween watching a terrible england performance and after a terrific trinidad & tobago performance, i did a little more work, adding a few more bits of playing wear and some dings. here's the body shots so far.


front 2

front 3

front 4

front 5

front 6


back 2

back 3

and after seeing the wear on the body i decided to make the neck wear more extensive


neck 2

neck 3 (it doesnt look this orange i promise)

well thats it for today. argentina match now. again let me know what you think and any suggestions on how i can improve it are welcome. in fact are wanted!

and thanks for the nice comments about the paint job earlier too

oh, ps: the white on the body looks dirty because i rubbed a wet tea bag over it to see if it would do anything. obviously it made it look dirty. and it wipes of with any amount of water. o well

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Definitely looks better IMO now that the body is generally more battered

There seems to be lots of red paint in that neck pocket though, and I've only heard bad things about paint and neck pockets...

Whats with the side position markers on the neck? they seem to be half in the rosewood and half in the maple.

Looks good to me!

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I was going to say that if I were doing it I'd throw it out of my 2nd floor bedroom window or tie it on the back of my car and drive around or something, but I didnt want to be responsible for anything that could go wrong if you tried it. :D

Looking at those photos more closely, the only bit that looks a little too obviously like sandpaper is the inside of the cutaway in 'FRONT 6", IMO.

Its because of all those fine scratches, I'd try to remove the scratches if it were me - nobody has hands that are that abrasive!

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The guitar itself looks great. That part on the arm contour is an obvious giveaway for me though. I would darken the wood with pencil lead and try to make it look natural. Paint in the neck pocket is only really a problem if it is nitro laquer and you dont let it cure. A little sustain may be lost, but that has not been my experience.

Is it laquer? Cause if it is, there are many ways to check it. Most relicers see this as a must. It can be done by putting the body in the fridge then bringing it outside.

I would put on a punk belt, or one with a huge belt buckle and play aggresively, maybe try to twirl it over your head, bounce it off the wall, play behind your back, etc.... That way, it is truly natural!

Just my opinions, but it really does look great so far.

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it is only a work in progress bare in mind, so the scratches from the sandpaper and so on will be removed later on, and i will darken the bare wood once its all finished.

but thanks for the advice, i'll heed it all

Whats with the side position markers on the neck? they seem to be half in the rosewood and half in the maple.

thats just how strats are done. i dont know about older ones, or newer ones, but certainly all that iv seen with rosewood boards are done this way

it did have laquer on it, but only a very thin layer it seems, as lightly rubbing with fine wire wool has taken almost all of it off. i only realised when only a small section turned yellow after two days in the sun

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i put a few more chips and dings in it today. i think im going to put a few thin coats of acrylic over it when iv done everything (obviously cutting it out of the chips and dings and sanding it out of the wear) so that it can be yellowed in the sun.

will acrylic crack like nitro?

*EDIT* i gave it a coat of acrylic then ran out. o well. it'll do. i'll leave it over night to harden off and cut it out of the chips etc, sand the wear and dull the finish. then leave it a few days to cure and put it out in the sun and see what happens.

and i made the neck wear a bit darker too.


a few more pics of the new chips and stuff


near jack

arm contour. havent stained the bare wood here yet. i'll do that later

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Ditto, looking much better :D

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Bah! Hendrix wouldn't have had that kind of wear in the cutaway. That wear only comes from right-handed users! :D

maybe im going on the assumtion that a right handed person picked up all the pieces and painfully restored it and then played it for 30 odd years :D hehe

thanks for the comments guys. i'll see what i do today

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In that case you've got it all wrong... it should look like this:


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well that would be true, if that guitar wasnt a fake. jimi never burnt a guitar at the miami festival. zappa did it just to show how the media would believe anything a celebrity said, even though it would have been incredibly easy to check the facts.

but anyway!

iv just gone over it lightly with some wire wool to dull the finish again and its out in the sun

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Didnt know that!

I was a little confused by what looks like the reminants of a sunburst finish on the guitar, but I remembered reading once how fender would spray over failed sunburst finishes with solid colours sometimes.

Fender have the story on their website:


Did they get it wrong too then? :D

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yes a lot of custom colour fenders have a sunburst underneath. its easier and cheaper than respraying the sunburst i suppose.

as for the hendrix/zappa guitar, i cant remember where, but i did read about it being a fake, and it was frank zappa saying it. but maybe he was lying and making his point that way? hmmmm

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