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Actoguitar.com Is Lifting My Blog Content!

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Second, while Simit Patel has admitted to an "attribution error" he has never addressed the creation of a fictitious forum participant called "ergonomicguitar" used to masquerade as the source of my content.

I just saw that and wanted to quickly address it -- had there been attribution (like I intended and sincerely apologized for not providing) than I thought there would be *less* confusion as to who the original author was (I can see without attribution how it would seem like the username ErgonomicGuitar is meant to be outright theft, but the intention was closer to the opposite :D ). I thought about posting it under the username ActoGuitar, but I thought that would be more confusing and closer to theft!

With others whose content is being imported I have them notified via email when there is a post so they can reply, if they so desired.

Just wanted to clarify on the username issue. Sorry for my mistake and thanks for being willing to discuss this topic. :D

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A quick update as I'm anxious to put this behind me and focus on my guitar project and blog - Simit Patel emailed me yesterday to indicate that he had taken the url which had contained my content on actoguitar's site and redirected it to my Building The Ergonomic Guitar blog. As I've indicated in my reply to him, I appreciate this effort as well as his quick action in resolving this matter.

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Fair enough, and I appreciate his civility in this debate, if not his views and actions... pete

Thanks to you as well as the rest of the Project Guitar folks for your support.

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