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Another One

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Still a fair deal of setup work on this - need to figure out what's going on with the trem, I think I need to open up the route a little bit, I think the spring is hitting the side of the cavity. Needs basic setup and a truss rod cover too. But it works. This was my first DIY guitar from several years ago, which was a disaster; I knew nothing, had no books and hadn't discovered this place when I started. Originally was a maple neckthrough with mahogany wings. Cut off the neck (which was a disaster) filled the old TOM mounting holes, and fitted a new mahogany set neck with a bloodwood board. Thinned down the body (it was very thick and *very* heavy) and chambered it, and experimented with fitting an inlaid top of swamp ash as an experiment, since I knew I was going to be using a solid finish.

Will probably get a re-fin at some point; my first solid colour attempt. Stew Mac colortone dyes and KTM-9 waterbase laquer. Sanded through the colour coats a bit, but was running out of paint so I let it slide as this guitar is really a culmination of experiments more than anything. The sand throughs are just subtle enough to make it look like a well-worn guitar more than anything else. Was trying to ape the "desert sand" colour on old duosonics and mustangs; got the colour nailed, but when I mixed up a full batch, I must have gotten something wrong, because when it dried, it ended up pinkish! Also apparently had a bit of imperfections in the epoxy grain-fill stage that I didn't sand out well enough and the colour coats really made them "pop".

So all in all, plays great, sounds great, looks less than ideal. When the weather gets better, I'll strip it and do a refin. Need to cut a new pickguard, as the neck pickup sits a little cockeyed in the current one.

Two Dimarzio minibuckers. Pots are blend, volume and tone. Large switch is p'up toggle, two mini switches are parallel/single coil/series switches for the individual pickups; tone pot is a push/pull for series/parallel for the mix of the two pickups.


EDIT: realized my picture was too large; changed to a link.

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