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The Chronicles Of The Dean Firecrackle...


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So I got motivated the other day and dissambled my recently bought Dean Firecrackle. :D

I took lots of pictures of the guitar to share B)

I also found quite a few interesting things plus a problem :D ...As I took off the remnants of the locking nut (that was covered with what looked like snot, I might add), the nut came off.....it must have come unglued of its 20-ish years of existence :D I took it to the local repair shop to have it reglued....hopefully it won't cost too much, cuz' im broke.....

The Kahler-ish bridge ways like 2 pounds B) The previous owners did some interesting modifications to it. It has been drilled into twice, in what I believe was the attempt to convert it to a hardtail bridge. The rear springs look quite new, as does the screws.

From the pictures, what type of locking nut do I need to replace to previous one with? Would a Kahler or Floyd-rose do the trick if the string gaps and nut width matched up? What the criteria for replace the locking nut?

There is suprisingly little fret wear for a 20-ish year old instrument.

I plan on replacing the locking nut first, then putting in a set of EMGz(S,S,81) when I save up some money...... then it should be a screamer B)

Here come the pics. I'll link most of them.









Any advice is always appreciated :read

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Guys I can't figure out which type of locking nut to replace this one with. The nut width is 1 and 11/16th....a common nut width. But this locking nut is unlike the Floyd-Rose style, where screws go all the way through the body.

Where could I find a replacement???

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guys I can't figure out which type of locking nut to replace this one with. The nut width is 1 and 11/16th....a common nut width. But this locking nut is unlike the Floyd-Rose style, where screws go all the way through the body.

Where could I find a replacement???

you want a 5521 locknut. NOT an "after the nut" stringlock like a 5513 or 5514. One is a nut and one is not. The 5521 is a Kahler equivalent locknut and is now being remade and due out in a few months. www.wammiusa.com

By the way,

I have your exact guitar. same everything, same color ect. mine had these emg specials. are they in yours too? I have put a 7330 Kahler fixed bridge over that hole. a little fill around the front corner route , touched up black and it looks great? Don't you just love the flat fast neck?

Wammi J

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