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wood question

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What will it sound like if I make a zebrawood neck

Then have a Goncalo Alves body

With AAAAAA quilted maple top

And a maple fingerboard

will it sound bright or warm

I already know it will be heavy

it will look sweet with the vintage amber finish

Any suggestions on body and headstock shape??????????


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zebrawood is a dense wood so it should work, though finding that much of it is expensive, but its actually harder then maple,

as for tone

i qoute from guitar tone woods

" It has a smooth peak in the lower treble and does not roll-off the top octave. While it has an emphasis in the upper-bass, it has less upper bass/lower midrange energy than teak, and less top octave than Yellowheart. "

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How much money do you plan on spending in this little ordeal?

Maybe before suggesting the most expensive woods you can think of, you should buy a book and learn a little about guitar building.

Its good that your intrested, and I dont want to turn you away from guitar building, but you REALLY should do some reading.

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