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Voltage Question

Phil Mailloux

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:DThanks LK

The first two didn't come out but (I gather) the red yellow and black has alot of meaning...the majority of people down here want to form a republic, they just don't want the one our pollies are promoting...that means a new flag I guess.

The reg [/color]yellow and black has a cool graphic quality

As for the Blue one...well friends, LK knows too much...

Actually making some progress in court last week, I think I'm on the winning side...His Honour pointed me out to my employers saying that I was the best dressed storeman ever to appear at the Industrial Relations Commision...(I got a cool suit for such occasions)

The blue one's got a cool history to it from Victoria where I'm at (down the bottom) I'm surprised that you're familiar with it...it's a little like the rebel flag where you come from but without the redneck qualities...

You sure are a wealth of info...come on down some time...get out of the southern heat


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By the way, future guests...

Australia is a land of immigants...even our natives walked down some 60.000 years ago when the lands were joined apparently, everyone comes from somewhere else...

I guess no one really lives in Australia without looking back from where their ancestors, usually only a generation or two back, came from.

Of course a few can trace themselves back to the first europeans here but I don't see a reason to brag about a criminal past...

I get the feeling sometimes, if you get out and about down here that we really are tourists and trespassers on the land...theres some amazing landscapes and other phenomenon, that can't be shut out

Some years back we had a storm in Melbourne where all of a sudden the sky turned brown and all the dry soil from the drought ridden lands and deserts 100's of miles to the north were blown down and completely enveloped the sky scrappers and blocked out the sun...it went as soon as it came (at about 100 kph) leaving the topsoil on the city instead of the farms

This land rebels...

come prepared for anything

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:D Your right Benno - though I don't read TIME except in the dentists waiting room and even then nothing within the last five years!

I think we've answered the power question and that in Oz we know how to take a joke too far... :D

Good Luck Phil B)

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Dunno why you'd wanna come over, what with the world's deadliest snake, the worlds deadliest spider, the worlds deadliest octopus, killer jellyfish, killer sun (just below the hole - you know) - don't go back-paking, we have a killer for them as well. Oh and maybe a dingo with an appetite for children (although the jury is still out on that one.......)


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